So what is a SEO server you might ask? Basically, it’s like any other linux server. The only difference is that we set it up to fullfill needs from search engine optimisers and large scale webmasters.
How is a SEO server configurated?
Most professional web hosting customers require at least 40 GB space, 40 GB bandwidth and what’s make the difference – 50 unique IPs spread out over 25 C-classes or more. However, if you have any other requirements we are happy to assist.
Many of our SEO hosting customers require either WordPress, Joomla or Drupal installed on the SEO server. This way, every new website can be created very quick and easy. You have ftp-access to your SEO server, which we set-up for you, with all firewalls and nessicary security you can think of. We take daily back-up, so you don’t need to worry about lost data. SEO Hosting can also give you custom SEO friendly nameservers (DNS), which is what SEO hosting experts recommend.